Quality Travel Travelspeak - Summer 2014 - page 24

n a country famed for its beauty, themost iconic images
associatedwithMontenegro are of the tiny islet named
SvetiStefan.Attachedtothecoastbyanarrow isthmus, the
island liesacrossthebayfromVillaMiločer,andtogetherthese
twohistoricsitescompriseAmanSveti Stefan.
The resort incorporates twokilometresofcoastline including
famous Queen’s Beach. Aman Sveti Stefan enjoys
breathtaking views of the sea, across the bay and along
Montenegro’smost renownedstretchofcoastline.The island
itselfmeasures 12,400 squaremetres, andwhile its historic
exteriorremains largelyunchanged, theresort’s interiorshave
been restored and updated to meet contemporary
Aman Sveti Stefan
Iconic resort forMontenegro
Pleasecontactour travelpartnersatQualityTravel foranyde-
tailed informationonour featuredAmanResorts.
Tel: 01737226522
Classical proportions
omprisinga38-suite resort, anAmanSpa
andanumberofAmanVillas,Amanzoe is
theGreek complement toMontenegro’s
itsname from theSanskrit-derivedword for ‘peace’
and zoe, the Greek word for ‘life’, Amanzoe is
situatedonahilltopclose to the townofPortoHeli
on the east coast of the Peloponnese. The resort
offers panoramic views of the Peloponnese
countrysideandcoastline,aprivateBeachClub ina
picturesque bay and easy access to the
cosmopolitan islandsofSpetsesandHydra.
The landscape allows for several secondary areas
suchas theAmanSpa, setwithin colonnadedand
walled gardens; the main swimming pool,
surroundedbyanexpansive terrace; agym, Pilates
Other facilities include a Meeting Pavilion, two
tenniscourtsand theBeachClub.
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