Quality Travel Travelspeak - Summer 2014 - page 4

Bauers Venezia
APassion for Venice
rancesca Bortolotto Possati is a remarkable lady, who has strivedwith
great success for the last 15years to createamost diverse collectionof
fineaccommodationwithin the centreof Venice. AsPresident andCEO
of BAUERs Group she has breathed new energy into a family hotel business
thatdatesback to the late19thcentury tocreateaportfolioofproperties that
offer thevisitor toVenicewith splendid contrastsboth in styleand location.
Her first task was amajor $100million refurbishment of the original Bauer-
GrunwaldHotel close toStMark’sSquare. The resultwas thecreationofBauer
L’Hotel and Bauer Il Palazzo, two different properties with two different
entrances and two quite differentmoods. One is urban, a contemporary Art
Deco temple, whilst the other, a veritableVenetianpalace, is a sophisticated
boutiquehotelwithornate furnishings anda splendidGrandCanal frontage.
No sooner had she completed thisgrandenterprise that she then turnedher
eyes across the waters to nearby Giudecca Island where she purchased a
former convent,whichwasconverted intoa50-roomboutiquehotel. Like the
nearbyCipriani, BauerPalladio isa rareexampleofaVenetian resort including
a generous 3-acres of gardens and parkland. It is a restful sanctuary that
reflects the slower pace of Giudecca. This is a place where one can really
escape the franticbuzzofVenice. Itwasalso theplace thatwouldbestbenefit
the sitingof aworld-class 500 sq.metre spa.
In addition to the former convent further buildings were acquired on
Giudecca including a 15th century private villa. Also benefitting from open
spaces, VillaFoffers theultimate luxury.Appealing to thosewhoprobablyare
looking tostay inVenice fora longerperiod, thisgated residenceoffersall the
comforts and services of a 5-star hotel within 11 beautifully restored
apartments. It features some of the best views of Venice, ameditation pool
and24-hour butler service.
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