and the
National Parks
Tauck’s relationship with the national parks goes back to their very first tour in the 1920’s, in
the eastern USA. Until the 1950’s, leisure travel to western US states was almost exclusively
by rail - and Arthur Tauck Jr. was determined to marry newly developed air travel with
Tauck’s growing tour business. The biggest challenge was getting access to the best hotels
within the parks; persistence paid off, and over the next 20 years, Arthur and his
development team built invaluable relationships, gained access, and utilised Tauck’s
expertise in the creation of journeys to countless national parks.
Today, ingenuity, years of expertise, local friends made along the way, and a love of the
parks creates new ways for guests to experience the national parks. At last count, Tauck
visits 51 national parks, monuments and historic sites from Acadia to Zion in destinations
ranging from Maine to Hawaii. Tauck pride themselves on providing unique insider access to
these special places in ways that make sharing them with friends and family unforgettable.